A Tourist in Rome - Cappucine Crypt

Location:41.90474, 12.48860 Via Veneto 27, just north of Piazza Barberini, under the church of Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini
Time:about 30 minutes for the crypt, another hour if you want to see the museum
Hours:9 AM - 7 PM

The Cappucine Crypt is a 6-room crypt filled with artwork made of human bones from 4000 Capuchin friars, some up to 500 years old. Many bones are nailed to the walls or ceilings in intricate patterns, some hang from the ceiling as chandaliers, and many others are piled high and somehow tied together forming furniture. The six rooms, in the order you now see them during a tour, are:

The Crypt of Skulls (not my photo)
See all Cappucine Crypt photos.

Totally macabre, but fascinating nevertheless, the Cappucine Crypt is probably worth a half-hour of your time. The admission fee includes a tour through their museum before you reach the crypt. Being not particularly interested in the history of the Cappucine order, I walked straight through the museum to the crypt. For another chamber decorated with bones, try Santa Maria dell'Orazione e Morte.

Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini, which houses the Cappucine Crypt below
See all Cappucine Crypt photos.
See also:
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